Your Training

your traininig as part of the lawnscience network
Nigel business owner: Basingstoke

Quality training is essential, if you are to meet your full potential

Starting your business will be challenging, therefore, it’s essential that we provide thorough, quality training right from the start. We ensure that you understand your lawn care business and can deliver a high level of service to your customers. Therefore we take your initial and ongoing training very seriously.

When does your training start

Your training starts before you join us for the start of your formal classroom sessions. You will be the owner of one of the UK’s premium lawn care business. You need to understand the psychology behind your client’s decisions, enabling you to provide your service at a realistic price. Therefore a little pre-reading will be required.

What our training covers

There are six key subjects that your training will cover, they are;

Lawn botany

Understanding how to create great lawns is key to your ability to transform and maintain your customers’ lawns. Our technical training will ensure that you understand the grass plant and how to achieve a healthy lawn. You’ll how to identify weeds, lawn pests, and fungal diseases and how to eradicate these potential issues. Some people can be concerned with the technology behind the service we deliver but there’s no need to worry, we’ll take your training at a pace that allows time to learn the technical aspects of the job.


Knowing what needs to be achieved is of little use if you don’t know how to achieve it. Our practical training module will equip you to competently use and maintain your new equipment, enabling you to make the necessary changes to your customers lawn and the soil beneath them, resulting in improvements that will delight your customers.

Customer service

It’s service that differentiates the best lawn care companies from the rest of the crowd. It’s why our customer service training module goes deep into the various aspects of customer service and how you can make your business stand apart from the crowd. Being the best service lawn business in your area will position you to make above the average returns from your business.


People who are new to the industry can be forgiven in thinking that is it a simple business with little need for quality communication. It’s not true, a key aspect of the business is the quality communication you will have with your customers. It’s this communication that will set you apart from the majority of your competition, lead to more satified, loyal customers and increase your sales and profit.


When we started our business over 20 years ago we quickly realised that having the best software system would give us a tangible advantage, in service and profitability, over our competition. That’s why we invested in the world’s leading software system to dive our business. The systems module will ensure that you can take full advantage of our system providing you with the ability to drive efficiency into your business.


You can have the best lawn care business in the world but if knows one knows about it you’re not going to make much money. The ability to market your business will be the drive behind the underlying profitability and growth of your business. During our marketing module, we’ll share with you the lessons we have learned over the past twenty years along with today’s latest strategies to develop your new business.

If you like what you have read and think the lawn care business might be a good fit for you and your family why not get a copy of out prospectus and arrange to have an obligation chat about your options?


Want to get started? Get in touch to receive our FREE Lawnscience Prospectus.

The RHS is the world's leading gardening charity.

Lawnscience supports the RHS by annual charitable donations

After much research, various exhibitions, and open days, Lawnscience was the obvious choice for me and has proven to be everything I hoped for. Through its training and support structure Lawnscience has provided me with the skills and expertise to build my own business at my own pace, with revenue to date realised in line with expectations. Better still there are very little barriers to growth other than your own ambition. Lawnscience has given me the opportunity to tap into this potential with a sound and innovative business model that is free from large corporate interference.
Nigel Bishop See more reviews
Nigel Bishop See more reviews

Lawnscience Prospectus


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    I knew that I wanted a total change in my career – I didn’t want to be sitting in an office every day, I wanted...
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    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
    I knew that in order to take control of my income and working life, I would have to work for myself, rather than working for...
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    David Stewart See more reviews
    I started the franchise six months ago and the business is continually expanding. I have a solid customer base with which I have great relationships....
    Gary Pearce See more reviews
    Gary Pearce See more reviews
    After much research, various exhibitions, and open days, Lawnscience was the obvious choice for me and has proven to be everything I hoped for. Through...
    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
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