You’ve Decided To Start Your Lawn Care Franchise, But Are You Sure You Are Getting The Best Value Partner?

All Lawn Care Franchisors Costs Are Not The Same…See below:

Lawnscience £19,846.84 + VAT 6.5%
Competitor GT £50,000.00 + VAT 10%
Competitor TG £49,950.00 + VAT 10% + £50 per Month
Competitor LK £26,500 + VAT 10%
Competitor GS £25,000 + VAT 12%

At Lawnscience, we’re in it for you. Here’s how we’re different

Lawn care franchises are not all the same, it’s worth checking out what you are paying for and what you are getting for your money. I’ve detailed below some of the differences.

UK’s Lowest Start-Up Costs

The investment cost of a lawn care franchise varies substantially and Lawnscience is proud to be the most cost effective at £19,846.84 + VAT.

You might wonder why we’ve broken it down to the exact penny. Well, that’s because that is exactly how much it costs to start your business. Lawnscience doesn’t make a penny until you make money.

If Lawnscience can do it for under £20,000, why are some franchisors charging double that? Why do many refuse to give an itemised list of where your investment is being spent? These are all questions you should ask before signing on the dotted line.

Lawnscience is an honest, independent business, but many UK lawn care franchisors are part of larger US-based conglomerates who want their slice of the pie. That means one thing: higher costs for you. Don’t let your hard work be wasted lining the pockets of corporate fat cats.

UK’s Lowest Franchise Fees

Overpaying for your initial investment will sting in the short term, but getting fleeced by sky-high ongoing franchise fees will cost you a fortune in the long run.

All franchisors charge a royalty fee which allows them to keep developing the business and servicing your needs as a franchisee. At Lawnscience, we believe those costs should be fair and reasonable.

Lawnscience charges a starting rate of 9% of your turnover.

But this reduces to 6.5% of turnover as your business grows. The more of an expert you become, the less support you need, so why should you keep paying more

Other franchisors will charge you 10% and higher and those fees won’t come down! At Lawnscience we believe in fair pricing because we’re in it for you.

You’ll Want to be Proud of Your Business

You want to be proud of the business you’re running and a lot of that comes down to how you treat your customers. We believe in the Lawnscience Way.

That’s why Lawnscience treatments come with a 100% guarantee. It’s not only the right thing to do, but it makes your business stand out from the rest. 

Lawnscience is the only lawn care company that’s confident enough in its quality of service to offer a guarantee.

Exceptional Training

Our guarantee means we have to train you exceptionally well – another way Lawnscience is a cut above the rest.

At Lawnscience, I won’t delegate your training to anyone. I will personally train you in every aspect of your new business so you can benefit from my more than twenty years of experience. 

I’ve been in your shoes and started a successful lawn care business in the UK. I’ve confronted the challenges and made the mistakes so you don’t have to. My expertise is yours.

I will also share with you my extensive knowledge of the US market meticulously researched thanks to frequent visits with America’s leading operators.

Sensible pricing

You can’t provide the best service at the cheapest price! The majority of customers want to receive good value for money, but many other lawn care operators provide a poor service.

If you want to provide good quality service, you need good people operating the best systems. None of those things come cheap.

That’s why Lawnscience will train you on how to recruit profitable customers at a price where you can afford to provide a consistent, high-quality service. It’s a nice way to do business.

At Lawnscience, we regularly gain clients from our competitors despite our prices being higher because they know we provide the best value for money.

Lawnscience’s Extensive Treatment List Boosts Profitability 

Top dressing

Having the UK’s most extensive range of lawn and household treatments for our customers enables Lawnscience to provide its customers with the widest choice of services in UK lawn care. This key differentiator not only allows us to meet more of our customer’s needs but also provides our franchisees with additional opportunities to offer related services that will increase sales and profitability.

It’s a win-win for our franchisees and their customers and a key differentiator in the lawn care business.

Additional revenue opportunities

In order to generate additional revenue during quieter periods, Lawnscience has developed additional services for customers. It’s the franchisee’s choice to provide these additional services or not.

They include:

  • Wasp treatments
  • Gutter cleaning services
  • Patio cleaning service
  • Hard surface weed control
  • Box Hedge treatments

Quality Communication

Communication before and after treatments is essential to provide a high-quality service to your customers. During your training, we will teach you about the communication that is necessary and train you to use our systems to make it happen.

Quality systems

An essential part of starting and growing a successful lawn care business is having high-quality operating systems.

That’s why Lawnscience partnered with the world’s leading lawn care software provider to run our operational, accounting, communications, and marketing systems.

It’s a major advantage for your new business and likely more reliable than the “in-house” systems many other franchisors use. They’ve gone for the cheaper option, but we don’t do that at Lawnscience because we’re in it for you.

Speak to Us Today

If you want to discover how working with Lawnscience can give you back control of your life and provide you with the most cost-effective route into lawn care franchising, please enter your details into the box at the top of this page. We will send you a copy of our prospectus with more details about investing in a Lawnscience franchise.

If you have any questions at all, please email me

I knew that I wanted a total change in my career – I didn’t want to be sitting in an office every day, I wanted to be outside, meeting people and making a difference I could see. Having researched lawn care companies, Lawnscience were the most transparent and appealing franchise, Terry was more than happy to provide information and share his experiences to help me determine whether this was for me. I am not a natural ‘salesman’ but the results sell it for me! I have had so much positive feedback from my customers, and a lot of new customers have come from word of mouth, which is such a confidence boost. I can be flexible, determining my own working hours to suit me and my family and I get to travel around to so many different places, meeting loads of people while delivering a service where you can actually see the transformation. Owning and running my Lawnscience Franchise is the best career move that I have ever made, and I wish I had done it 10 years ago!
Nigel Bishop See more reviews
Nigel Bishop See more reviews

Lawnscience Prospectus


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    I knew that I wanted a total change in my career – I didn’t want to be sitting in an office every day, I wanted...
    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
    I knew that in order to take control of my income and working life, I would have to work for myself, rather than working for...
    David Stewart See more reviews
    David Stewart See more reviews
    I started the franchise six months ago and the business is continually expanding. I have a solid customer base with which I have great relationships....
    Gary Pearce See more reviews
    Gary Pearce See more reviews
    After much research, various exhibitions, and open days, Lawnscience was the obvious choice for me and has proven to be everything I hoped for. Through...
    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
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