Gutter Clearing in Garthorpe

Gutter Clearing in Garthorpe

01664 513 015 07760 618 149

So, your Gutters need clearing?

We can do your gutter clearing.

Simply fill out the 3 boxes to the right of this page. Then click ‘Request Call Back’ by clicking the orange box. We will be in touch by the end of today, or early tomorrow to provide a quote.

How do we Clear your Gutters?

To carry put your gutter clearing we use an industrial, dual electric vacuum, connected to a long extendable carbon fibre pole with a swan neck at the top. We also use a ‘live’ camera to see the extent of the debris, where the worst bits are and keep rechecking until all gutters are cleared.

Have a quick look at the time lapse video below.

Gutter cleaning
gutter clearing

What do we need to clear the gutters?

All we need is access to a standard electric socket. If you have a ‘hedgehog’ then please take it down and we shall shake it out and replace it if we can.

If it is frosty?

Should there be a frost or snow around, then we must leave it for another day as the debris and water in the guttering will be frozen solid. The equipment cannot suck up any debris in these circumstances.

Things to be aware of

The gutter clearing process is relatively clean. Only a few bits of debris/moss will fall onto the surrounding ground bit we will will clear up where we can.

Sometimes there will be blocked downpipes which will need to be cleared. As as norm, we do not clear these as we do not allow our technicians to be up ladders alone.

What we don’t do

Sadly, we do not clear down pipes nor drains. We might help where we can, but no promises.

We also do Lawn Care

Please download our FREE Lawn Care Guide which gives you great advice on how to look after your lawn and other services that we provide. Click Here

Our Sponsorship Partner – Air Ambulance

We sponsor your local Air Ambulance in Bourne

Recommend a friend and we donate £20 to Air Ambulance

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    Always provide a great service. My lawn looks great.
    Barry Harriman
    Barry Harriman
    Brilliant thoroughly recommend my lawn is starting to look like a lawn rather than a weed patch
    David Cadogan
    David Cadogan
    Excellent service and attention. Always prompt on timings for appointments and happy to give advice on actions which will improve the Lawn. Staff very good and...
    william morter
    william morter
    Since I have been using Lawn science, I am extremely satisfied with there work & when I receive a msg from the guys, telling me, when...
    Steve Cadogan
    Steve Cadogan
    This guy provides an excellent service all year round. Though my lawn is small, it is often commented on during the months we are able to...
    Steve Markham
    Steve Markham
    01664 513 015 Request Call Back