Basingstoke Wasp Nest Control Service

Basingstoke Wasp Nest Control Service

01256 213000 07970 404495

"Excellent response time, was here in 20 mins and wasp nests dealt with in a clean and tidy way. Would recommend strongly." Andrew Boulden


*Small travel surcharge applies for jobs outside of Basingstoke

Do you have a wasp or hornet problem that you want resolved, and fast? We understand that most people want a nest problem dealt with straight away. That’s why we will prioritise a call out to you. So to get it sorted quickly, call us today and benefit from:

  • Prioritised service calls. With an average response time of under 2 hours, we will get out to you as soon as we can.
  • Guaranteed results. we use quality insecticides which are as close to 100% effective as it is possible to get. It is very rare for wasps to return to a treated nest. However if they do you have the peace of mind provided by our six month guarantee, meaning we will come back and re-apply our treatment for free.
  • Tidy, friendly and respectful wasp nest control service

Wasp behaviour

Spring can mean many great things for the garden, but also it’s the time of year that wasps will start to re-surface after the Winter. Queen wasps will survive the winter and lay new eggs in the Spring. The wasps will start building nests that will grow over the summer months into large colonies.

Typically wasps become a nuisance as they congregate in areas where they can find sweet tasting items such as near bins, fruit trees and sugary drinks and food. Left alone they are usually calm, however, if a wasp feels under threat it will not only attempt to sting, but it will also emit a pheromone to the rest of it’s colony that will signal them to join in and attack.
Some people will try to remove or disturb nests themselves.

Towards the end of the summer, nests can number over 60,000 wasps, so we would always suggest it’s better to get a professional to deal with it for you.

Where do wasps nest?

Wasps will look for dry and secluded areas for their nests, so the modern home provides many opportunities. Particular favourite locations are for a wasp nest in roof or wall cavities / soffit boards / gutters / air bricks / loft spaces / garages / garden sheds / bird boxes / hedges / trees / even your lawn.

How to locate a wasp nest

Wasps nest in concealed locations. However you will notice increased wasp activity in the immediate area so just need to carefully follow them back to the entrance of their nest (don’t get too close though). Small white lines on wooden items in your garden (such as fence panels) are also a sign a nest is nearby, as wasps will harvest the soft wood found in the wood grain for nest building.

We will apply the most effective insecticides available on the market. After a wasp nest has been treated it is extremely rare for any wasps to return. If this does happen however, our work is covered by our six-month guarantee so we’ll come back and apply our treatment again for free.

Want it sorted? Call us today!

For fast effective Wasp Nest Control, call us now for your obligation quote on 07970404495. Alternatively, you can text WASP to 07970404495 or email us on and we’ll get back to you quickly.

Where we operate

We are based in Basingstoke, and operate across North Hampshire

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    Mr Kenward
    Mr Kenward
    Nigel approach to the job was very efficient and he took the time to explain everything properly , must say that my grass is much...
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