Easy Guide To Common Weeds (Yellow flower)

CREEPING CINQUEFOIL Potentilla reptans

Type: Perennial Broadleaf

Height:10 – 15 cm (4 – 6 in)

Flowering: June through to October

What’s it like?

One of the most common weeds found in lawns. It is often found in poorly maintained lawns that have been neglected. The leaves are easy to identify as they have five different segments and tooth-like edges. It has yellow flowers and fleshy petals. It spreads by creeping stems which root at intervals.

Why is it a problem for your lawn?

Creeping Cinquefoil will spread aggressively by its creeping runners which root at intervals, forming new plants. Your lawn will be uneven in appearance.


You may find hand weed attempts are unsuccessful. A regular raking or light scarifying will help weaken Cinquefoil. For a more serious problem use a selective weed killer. You will need a repeat application approximately 6 weeks later. This weed is very rarely a problem on well-maintained lawns that receive regular mowing and lawn care as this will discourage this invasive weed. Raking and scarifying will also help weaken this weed considerably, eventually eradicating it.

DANDELION Taraxacum officinale

Type: Perennial Broadleaf

Height: 50 cm or more (20 in)

Flowering: March through to November

What’s it like?

The Dandelion is a common perennial weed. Although it is a perennial plant it spreads from seed and germinates throughout the year. The seeds are wind-borne and often found germinating along the edges of garden borders. It has a long stout tap root which stretches up to 10 inches. The Dandelion leaves have known health benefits and the flowers are often made into wine. The leaves are long and fleshy and can grow to a quite a large size, anywhere from 3 -12 inches. The leaves are simple and basal, forming a rosette above the central taproot. The flower heads are yellow to orange and are open in the daytime but closed at night time.

Why is it a problem for your lawn?

This weed is very persistent. They will spread quickly by seed and will colonise in freshly cultivated soil. They are also able to survive in compacted soil conditions. Because they have a deep root it allows them to survive and re-grow when the top of the plant is removed. These weeds will crowd out your grass and create a patchy and problematic lawn. Your lawn will be uneven in appearance.


A thick lawn is the best defense against broadleaf weeds. Pulling these weeds out by hand can be very difficult as their taproot is can stretch down very deeply into the soil, if you are attempting this you should remove them before they go to seed. There are two types of chemical (herbicide) weed killers that can be used on dandelions. The first is a selective broadleaf herbicide. A broadleaf herbicide will only kill broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions. By using a broadleaf herbicide it will kill the dandelions and not the grass. The other kind to use is a non-selective herbicide. Be careful when using this type of product as it will kill any other plant it comes into contact with. A non-selective herbicide is effective for spot dandelion removal. When using an herbicide to control Dandelions it is best to apply it before the weed has developed flowers.


Ranunculus repens

Type: Perennial Broadleaf

Height: Up to 50cm (20 in)

Flowering: May to August

What’s it like?

A very common weed in lawns. Creeping Buttercup is low growing and will be seen in wet heavy soil conditions. This Creeping Buttercup particularly grows with its creeping stem and extends upwards. It has fibrous roots which can be difficult to remove. It has yellow flowers with 6-9 petals each.

Why is it a problem for your lawn?

Creeping buttercup will spread by long runners with deep penetrating roots. They have sub-lateral runners that will develop into a vigorous network of firmly anchored stems in your lawn. They will reproduce from seeds in moist conditions.


The runners of this weed can be dug out in Spring with a trowel. In the Spring months before mowing you can use a wire rake to lift the developing runners so they can be more easily cut by the mower. By using a Chemical (Herbicide) weed killer you can control this weed. Apply in Spring when the growth is strong and repeat the application if necessary. It is not advisable to use a Non-Selective herbicide as it can come into contact with desirable plants.

BIRDS FOOT TREFOIL Lotus corniculatus

Type: Perennial Broadleaf

Height: 5cm to 20cm, (2 – 8 in) but stems can grow up to 50cm (20 in)

Flowering: Late April to late September

What’s it like?

Birds-foot trefoil is a member of the Clover family. Widely found in lawns and gardens in the UK. Birds-foot trefoil can be found in any kind of soil; however, it particularly likes acidic and drier soils. It will form large patches across your lawn and has a deep root system. Birds-foot trefoil can be grown by under-runners like rhizomes or stolons. It blooms bright yellow flowers that resemble Honeysuckle.

Why is it a problem for your lawn?

This weed is found in many soil conditions and will form patches across your lawn, causing your lawn to be uneven. It will seed freely and when scattered large colonies will form quickly. It will survive a close mowing.


For a small infestation, hand weeding may be effective. However, you must be very thorough when attempting to remove the roots below and above the soil level. For a larger infestation, you can use a selective chemical (herbicide) control. In most cases, a further treatment may be necessary to effectively control Birds-Foot Trefoil.

NARROW-LEAF PLANTAIN Plantago lanceolata

Type: Perennial

Height: 10–40 cm (4 -16 in)

Flowering: April through to October

What’s it like?

A very common lawn weed found in all types of lawn conditions. Noticeable because of its long, narrow dark green leaves with distinctive ribs and fine hairs. It likes both wet and dry conditions and can resurface easily after removal, it will grow throughout the year. It has short flowers on a long stem.

Why is it a problem for your lawn?

Plantain can often be an indication that you have a soil compaction problem as they like alkaline dry and compacted soil.


You can attempt hand weeding if there are only a few plants in your lawn, but be careful to remove the entire root or the weed will regenerate again. A regular mowing will prevent the seed heads forming and reduce spreading. If your soil is compacted, a lawn Aeration will help encourage a healthy sward and will, in turn, discourage ribwort Plaintain in your lawn. For a larger infestation, you will need to use a chemical (herbicide) control. Most selective weed killers available should deal with this weed but you will need to treat it again in approximately six weeks later.

BROAD-LEAVED DOCK Rumex obtusifolius

Type: Perennial Broadleaf

Height: 50 to 130 cm (1 ½ ft – 4 ½ ft)

Flowering: June through to September

What’s it like?

Broad-leaved dock is one of the most common weeds in grass lawns and particularly in neglected lawns. They can survive drought and poorly nourished soil conditions due to their very deep tap roots. The flowers are green but go a reddish colour in maturity. It has large oval leaves, some of the lower leaves have red stems.

Why is it a problem for your lawn?

If docks are present in your lawn it is often because there are bare patches. Poor lawn maintenance will allow dock seedlings to emerge and grow. Broad-leaved dock is able to grow on a range of soils except for the most acidic ones. Soils high in nitrogen or low in potassium are preferred conditions. This weed is an unsightly addition to your lawn and will make it look very uneven in appearance. It is also considered to be slightly poisonous.


It is not too difficult to permanently control this type of weed. It requires a deep digging out and can take a lot of effort and time as you will need to remove every part of this weed without breaking any pieces, and if there are any remaining pieces they will simply re-sprout. For larger infestations, you will want to use a Total weed-killer, such as glyphosate and spray directly on to the plant. It is always best to avoid spraying on a windy day as the product will make contact with other desirable plants.

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